Colomboard Games


Find out how the game plays in 5 slides or less and download sample cards explaining the game.

I created this game out of my love for Central-European folklore, which – despite its growing popularity owing to ever-more famous Witcher – is still a bit exotic and outandish to western players. Moreover, I wanted to create a co-op game which would be as euro as possible, with limited and managable chance and traditional euro-style features.


So far, what Morana needs the most, is more testing of the 4-player games, which were hard to come by lately. In 2 and 3 players, the game works great, it is fluent, seamless and fun. I feel that many people really care about their villagers or at least hate Morana for her neverending meddling. What I think would be great is to have more games with completely new players to see how hard is the game for them – some cards might need a bit of balancing.

For further cooperation, I need to translate the game, but since there is quite a lot of poetry, which has mostly never been translated to English, this process will take a while. In case of further cooperation, I can send a version without the verses. Concerning the art, I made the graphics myself, but the paintings are of course taken from Wiki commons or online galleries (about 80 % from this one). It is not allowed to use those photos of the paintings for commercial use, but I am sure that some kind of an agreement with the gallery could be arranged and it would a) retain the striking beauty of classic paintings and b) cut down the costs for art considerably.


Have closer look at the game via the sample cards with explanations.


If you are interested in more information about the game, we can e-mail, chat or set-up a call.